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A Greener Future Together: My Earth Day Pledge to Alexandria
my little planet is safeguarded in your kind hands.
(we will defeat the corona virus)
April 22, 2024 at 8:00 AM
by Steven Peterson for Mayor

Dear Residents of Alexandria,
On Earth Day, people from all corners of the globe come together to celebrate our planet and commit to protecting it. As your mayoral candidate, I'm not just advocating for policies and programs that will help create a sustainable future for Alexandria, but I'm also taking a personal pledge to ensure that every day is Earth Day.

Here is my Earth Day Pledge to you. I pledge to make everyday Earth Day by doing the following:

  • I promise to do my part to take care of the Earth by picking up litter when I see it.
  • I promise to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • I promise to help care for growing things like trees and flowers.
  • I promise to encourage my family members, friends, and co-workers to learn about ways to get involved and to take action by taking care of our community!

Join me in this pledge.In my journey to potentially become your mayor, I want to emphasize the importance of community action. When we all take small steps towards sustainability, the collective impact can be monumental. This Earth Day, let's recommit ourselves to not just live on this planet, but to nurture it. Alexandria has always been a place of community and connection, and together, we can make it a beacon of environmental stewardship.I encourage you to take this pledge with me. Share it with your family and friends, and let's work together to keep Alexandria, Virginia, beautiful. Every action counts, no matter how small. Whether it's choosing to walk or bike more often, supporting local green businesses, or volunteering for community clean-ups, your actions make a difference. In my campaign, and with your support, as mayor, I will work to:

  • Introduce new sustainability programs.
  • Strengthen our city's recycling efforts.
  • Support local green initiatives.
  • Foster education on environmental protection.

Let's plant the seeds for a greener, more sustainable future right here in Alexandria. I'm ready to lead the charge, and I hope you'll join me.

Happy Earth Day!

Yours in service,
Steven Peterson

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