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Steven Peterson's Vision for Alexandria: A Recap of His Interview with Virginia Amos
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June 3, 2024 at 10:00 PM
interview with virginia amos z-tv.png

We are excited to share insights from Steven Peterson's recent interview with Virginia Amos for Z-TV, The Zebra. As a dedicated candidate for mayor, Steven's vision for Alexandria is clear and compelling. Here’s what he had to say:

A Deep Connection to Alexandria's Land and People

With a strong background in real estate, Steven Peterson is well-versed in the complexities of land use—a significant aspect of mayoral duties. His professional experience uniquely qualifies him to handle the land-related challenges and opportunities that Alexandria faces.

Putting Alexandria First

Steven Peterson's approach to leadership is centered on putting Alexandria, not himself, in the spotlight. He is committed to making a meaningful difference in the community, advocating for a bottom-up approach rather than a top-down management style. This philosophy is a key reason why Steven seeks the mayoral position directly, bypassing a path through city council, to ensure Alexandria has the voice and transparency it deserves.

Reframing Affordable Housing

Steven emphasizes the need to shift our language and approach from "affordable housing" to "income-based housing." This change reflects a more accurate and fair perspective on the housing needs within our community.

Transparency and Public Involvement

Unlike other candidates, Steven was the only one to oppose the arena deal, arguing that such decisions should not be made behind closed doors. He believes that transparency is crucial for the trust and integrity of our city's governance.

Preserving Alexandria's Heritage

Steven is passionate about preserving the historical and cultural essence of Alexandria. He advocates for the use of original bricks and windows that match the city's historic vibe, ensuring that future developments honor our past.

Green Spaces and Environmental Stewardship

Influenced by his father's love for landscaping and green spaces, Steven values the importance of maintaining and preserving Alexandria's natural beauty. He is dedicated to ensuring that green spaces are protected and enhanced for future generations.

A Cultural Shift in Governance

Steven aims to bring about a cultural change in Alexandria's governance with a bottom-up approach, fostering a more inclusive and community-focused environment. He pledges to donate his salary to the local fire and police stations, reinforcing his commitment to the city's well-being.

A Full-Time Commitment

Steven strongly believes that the role of mayor should be a full-time position, requiring total dedication to effectively serve the community. He is fully committed to dedicating himself to this role, ensuring that Alexandria receives the focused leadership it deserves.

Steven Peterson's interview highlights his deep-rooted commitment to Alexandria and his vision for a transparent, inclusive, and forward-looking city. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards a brighter future for Alexandria.

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